Poetic Reckonings with

Natalie Deryn Johnson 

It’s not all in your head. It’s in your body. It’s in the imaginal. It’s written in a language belonging to your blood and beauty.

gentle and provocative movement wisdom

for the radically sensitive witch folk.

The time for disregarding your magic and feral beauty is over.

ready yourself for depth of body and penetrating insight. 

Venom Club

The poison of oppressive energies, culture and dormant personal histories do not define you.

Pick up your metaphoric blade, come to the altar of your body, and make contact with your dark feminine wisdom to move stagnant energy and invite capacity for mystery. Together we will release the belittling and obscured stories binding you.

Become your own Myth.

Venom Club is a 4 week energy and movement experience to excavate dormant power and move softly with the pains of anger and grief. This is a splendid, witchy, sexy approach to sitting with what can no longer be ignored and wishes to be integrated. Expect soft and feral nature to hold you.

The more maddening thing would be to let what haunts you claim your name. This is your lifetime. Let’s not lose ourselves to inner metaphoric mold. It’s time to purify and tone capacity.

Sometimes we don’t recognize ourselves. Life is confusing. We lose our footing. Hell, we aren’t even standing anymore. We are laid bare on a peek or valley. How do we navigate entropy>?

This is your invite to play.

your feet are at the steps of a sacred temple, housing deviant soul reverence and different ways of knowing.

imagine it like a rabbit hole or the door to a secret cellar. imagine it as the mad hatter serving you a medicine that calls you home. surprising. stunning. serene. with gravity and delight.

To be clear - working with me is like being on mushrooms. this is not a casual activity.

if you desire more, if you feel the readiness,

prepare yourself to be seen, held, moved, touched, illuminated, relieved.

Beware Beloved,

You have entered a realm that defies objectification culture and unleashes authentic movement.

This is potent work.

The way we do things around here is with a reverence for mystery and intuition. Around here we embody a different way of doing things with Authenticity and Sensitivity reigning supreme.

It’s a pinch of madness mixed with sincere adoration for the inherent beauty of life.

Renewing trust, instinct, and expression.


If you are a brilliant, poetic being feeling a deep ache to experience

  1. the temple

  2. your edges

  3. psychedelic-like awareness

  4. subvert cultural norms

  5. be with the mystery

  6. unleash - even if you’re not sure what

    well, then yes,

    you’re in the right place

    we are serious about fun

    we are serious about sacred

    we are serious about courage

descend with me

descend with me

Seeking to play?


Personal Journeys to unveil dormant presence,

expression, and love.

Defy Grief Culture with me!

How magical, sensuous, intimate, and fun could grief be?

I’m of the perspective that . . .

Life is meant to feel profound. We are meant to be weird, sensitive, brilliant.

We have the chance to adore our sensitivity, embody the decadence of our being, and shift the focus of devotion.

Allow me to introduce myself.

I’m Natalie.

I am a snail witch fairy taking a stand for your realness, serenity, and evocative beauty.

The scary and fun thing about inviting my gaze is that not much gets past me. You will feel seen, held, and challenged if you move towards working together with me. The subtle and the imaginal will become vivid. You will become real with spontaneous sensuality - feeling the lush nature of your body, emotions, and life. You will experience enhanced trust in your creativity and intuition. And my favorite, discover yourself oriented towards standard shifts in relating and communication. All of this with compassion and a playful attitude.

unleash your soul signature + move with me.

how do I see you? how do I see me?

I won’t do us, you or I, the disservice of downplaying our power and the dangerous nature of incarnation. there are reasons our realness is thwarted. there are reasons we push away our own nature. here - we surface the unconscious - gracefully and with fire. here I understand you are magic and will not pretend to you otherwise.

Been aching to BE in front of the lens and unleash?

get on the waitlist for next season’s INTIMATE WITNESS photo healing magic + you’ll know first.


Unlock dormant Body Belief and Commune with the elements of Creation.

You wish to be seen.

Allow me to unravel you . . .

as you wish. as you wish ;)



Living beyond objectification


ready yourself to sense, move, unveil

When we allow deeper listening to pour through our being, like blade, like flesh . . .

trapped energy is freed and truth restored.

This is the soft and fierce power of recognition. Shall we Reckon together?

learn about the

Resident Mystic