a quick glimpse w/ the witch
Natalie Deryn Johnson
resident mystic
From injury, I have learned how to retrain the fear response and step into massive compassion. From photography, I have learned how to see discomfort and bring someone into their body and beauty. From art, I have learned to move with inspiration and take the time to unveil craft.
movement mysticism
movement mysticism *
Hey gorgeous,
I’m Natalie, a performance artist and photographer revealed intuitive healer, mystic. Seeing and embodying with depth is my jam. I carry a poetic and exacting lens - metaphysically speaking - and it is my joy to share that with those wanting to embody a fuller range of self.
The invite: to meet yourself and life more deeply.
As someone that has faced chronic illness, walked the wounded healer path, and emerged from the high pressure world of performance and dance - I am still in love with presence and understand the necessity and brilliance of individuating one’s self. Transformation is not a selfish act - it is a self loving act that transforms the world around us, bringing possibility forward as we step into generosity of spirit. Being more ourselves allows for more authenticity in connection, intimacy, and community. How we belong to ourself is how we belong to the world.
Movement Oracle Body Deviance Sensitivity Intimacy Perspective Underworld Energy Subtlety Authenticity Consciousness Presence Grief Celebration
Movement Oracle Body Deviance Sensitivity Intimacy Perspective Underworld Energy Subtlety Authenticity Consciousness Presence Grief Celebration 〰️
Fun Facts
I live in the bathtub, eat books like candy, grew up in Indiana. I reside in Brooklyn (12 years in NYC). In my heart, I live in a tree house. Cannot get enough velvet. I’m A 2/4 PROJECTOR, Aquarius with Capricorn Moon (western astrology) And Capricorn Sun, Sag Moon in Vedic . . . saucy. Taurus rising is the gem of my chart. I dream of crawling in the mud, emerging like Venus, being carried by a river, making love with the wind, singing with whales at twilight.
kisses are salvation.
My journey created an intimacy with change and entropy. I know what it’s like to be swept into nihilism, lose what matters to me, devolve into soil. Without understanding processes, it would be easy to paint a picture of my failures, incompetency, and poor luck. That isn’t my story, however. My story is more beautiful and full of grit, betrayal, medical malpractice, poetry, and innovation.
I can also notice what my lie is like when I don’t honor my body and wisdom. Those periods can be part of the larger picture and can also be a signal that I’m being invited into a deeper frequency of rest, communion, play, and invention.
What remains to be true is that I come alive when I am guiding others to connect more with their bodies, perspective, and awareness - the flow and refinement of creative becoming.
A major thing that brings me back from every low in life is my engagement in the fight against disenchantment. Reminding us what magic feels like, distilling the gems from our stories, and fueling possibility . . . is my design.
Why is this relevant? Because this understanding signals the profound connection I have to my craft and also communicates the power of bringing new perspectives and embodied optimism backed into the fold by a relationship with loss . . . this kind of presence and capacity to journey is transformative in our daily and fractal lives.
(soap box)
In gist. Call me fairy god mother, or siren, or Kali, or crone, or witch, or wizard, or slug, or woman. I am here to flame your fire and insist on your most magical and authentic existence.
The funny thing is that the purification also comes with peace. When we are calibrated and uncluttered, we simply move differently and the body is welcomed back into the fold of our collective imagination and creativity. We begin to digest and direct our experiences. Perhaps a movement director is what the doctor ordered ;)
Ready to commune?
Let’s explore a summoning.
We are cyclical beings. We all fall apart and have opportunities to reckon with our stories, desires, collective belonging. There is a depth of intimacy aching to emerge and be known - within you, within the collective. As far as personal journeys, navigating the Liminal of re-invention doesn’t have to be a solo task. Collective healing is not a solo task. Transforming our pain into personal empowerment is the myth of our lifetime and a gift to those we love.
Imagine sharpening your intuition, discernment, artistry, and dignity. Imagine discovering a vivid reality of sensational clarity, vision, and relational wisdom. Imagine bringing vulnerability to your leadership and community. Imagine creating space to bring more resonance and inspiration to your aspirations. Feral + Regal + Stunning +Truthful.
We are dancing with the potency of transformation, presence, and bodily knowing.
This will open up deep, intimate, and vivid ways of seeing and moving in your life.
This will be a journey of purification and reclamation. Holding Beauty and Strength.
If stepping towards the beauty of authenticity in expression and love lights you up?
I might be the witchy warrior for you.