Hello Beauty, Welcome to courting a process of deep self knowing, sensitivity, and activation.
When we work alongside one another, we gaze deeply, softly and fiercely at your deep tensions, fears, and dormant rapture so you can bridge the gap between where you are and where you yearn to be. Such that you can move as yourself in this lifetime.
Roses + Swords. Both. This path requires unfolding and discernment.
We move. We sense. We ride and map. The container we bring forward is deeply magical, practical and designed to summon you forward and deeper into your life.
In this mentorship we drip wet in beauty + belief. We insist on your integrity and soul rhythm.
Grace + essence, art + devotion.
The cost of not allowing yourself space for your heart’s calling is too high.
The cost of your separation from your inherent beauty and voice is too high.
Surrender to your power. APPLY yourself with all you are. In the womb of our gathering is space for listening, for feeling, and for affordance to unleash depth of spirit.
I love you too much to let you squander your preciousness.
I’m here to assist you in the way you hold and reckon with your truth. I’m not here to add to your self loathing or rhythm fatigue.
I won’t let you lie to yourself. My love for you and this work allows me to hold you accountable to the spark in your heart, birthing a new era of curiosity and connection in your body.
Let me aid you in expanding your experience of ease - anchoring in more wonderment and capacity to be in flow.
Here we will process, invite, clear, cultivate, and discern what is yours to work on, and what is not. We move you within and without.
This is about your radiant vitality + connection to life.
In this container, I support you on a journey of self-permission and devotion, the big sigh of relief you’ve been waiting for, the juicy enjoyment of your body’s intelligence/sensation, the integration of pain and beauty that beckons you to open.
You will taste what it feels like to give yourself a high-resolution life, full of beauty + expression, an embodiment received + created + breathed by you in this lifetime.
No babying - just NURTURING with foxy love.
Step up to ride and I’ll hold your hand as you love yourself back to life. Your life.
With acceptance and fortitude, allow yourself to rise toward softness… a softness that unleash a strength to experience and protect your gifts - glowing with the life, energy, and desire that comes from welcoming in & inviting more space.
Feeling called?
your intuition is your biggest asset. let it lead.
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